DIABETES The cause of diabetes would be having a high blood sugar.There is no accurate cure for diabetes but you can make your blood sugar low by having a healthy diet and a reasonable amount of exercise.
PARKINSON'S DISEASE This disease is caused by a malfunction of the nerve cells not responding to the brain properly and affecting the muscular system causing tremors. There is no cure for Parkinson's disease.
SKIN CANCER: Cancer cells in the outer layer of the skin cause by heredity, UV Rays,tanning beds etc. if identified early, can be removed by freezing or surgery.
AIDS: Caused by the HIV virus and coming in contact with the person who has it's blood.There is no cure yet for AIDS but new research could change and resolve the issue.
COLD: The causes of a cold are numerous considering that there are many ways a virus can be spread. There also isn't a antibiotic or treatment for viruses but you can treat symptoms.
STREP THROAT: The bacteria is spread through airborne droplets when someone with the infection coughs or sneezes, or through shared food or drinks. To solve this, you can take medicine and avoid talking alot. Also honey sometimes help ease the throat stings.
FLU: This is a viral infection that is highly contagious and causes an infection in the lungs. This can also not be solved but symptoms can be treated with antibiotics.
ATHLETES FOOT: A fungal infection on the foot. Grows when a persons foot has been placed where someone who has Athletes foot has been.Also can't grown without moisture. Cured with cream applied 2-3 times a day.