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The most "IMPORTANT" thing to know about me is: I am ALLERGIC TO CHERRY'S. SO NO ONE GIVE ME CHERRY'S
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The most "IMPORTANT" thing to know about me is: I am ALLERGIC TO CHERRY'S. SO NO ONE GIVE ME CHERRY'S
Photo by KyuubiTamer

Where I was born

I was born in Caoneticite


I have always Loved Paris. I have always Dreamed of going to Paris since I was a Baby

MY FAVorite  THING TO DO - and to watch -

Ice Skating
The MOST IMPORTANT thing to know about me is: I'm ILARGIC to CHERRY'S. SO NO ONE GIVE ME CHERRY'S EVVERRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photo by anyjazz65

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