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Life in Alabama in the 1930s

By: Emmanuel


  • Alabama was ranked the seventh poorest state in the country.
  • Alabama's capital is Montgomery.
  • 8 of the 100 poorest counties
  • It was a depressing and gloomy time.
Photo by cdrummbks

Alabama in the 1930's

  • The stocks dropped
  • People lost their jobs 
  • Much business went bank rupted
Photo by rubyblossom.


  • Black people were discriminated and were made slaves
  • White folks would force them to pick the cotton they grew for little money
  • This helped the farmers make more money when the stocks dropped 

The Great Depression

  • A time period when the stock market collapsed.
  • The Great Depression lost almost thirty billion dollars.
  • All of this because of unemployment and starvation.
  • Many of the people depended on charity as their money source.
Photo by B Tal

African Americans

  • In the 1930's African Americans were still mistreated
  • They had a law that their curfew was at 10 p.m.
  • Everything was segregated
  • It was a difficult time for African Americans in the south
Photo by just.Luc


  • .
  • "What Was Daily Life like in the 1930's for an African American in Alabama?" Monroeville. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2015.


Photo by mrjoro