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Published on Apr 12, 2017

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Looking at your preliminary task,what do you feel you have learnt from the progression from it to the full product?

Photo by nathanmac87


  • When filming our preliminary task and our opening we didn't have any proper arguments and always valued each others opinions. However I think this is down to knowing each other before and choosing our own groups. We split the roles fairly as we all chose the one we wanted to do and it just seemed to work however we did all put an input into what each of us were doing for instance Macy helped me when I had to find sound pieces. I feel that we worked well as a group overall throughout the prelim task and the opening.

Splitting the tasks

  • We all agreed when splitting the roles of editing,sound and camera work. Jasmine did most of the editing for our preliminary because she wasn't there for filming, so when it came too the film opening we decided that Jasmine should do the editing cause she was the most experienced. When it came deciding between who would be in charge of sound and camera we just decided that Macy should do camera because she did more filming of the preliminary and that I would do sound.


  • After doing the preliminary task we realised that we needed a way to easily communicate with each other so that we could organise when to film and what we all needed to bring when filming. We made a group chat on snapchat so that we could all communicate together and it turned out to be really useful.

Problems with the preliminary task

  • We had a few problems when our preliminary. One of the problems was when we would find time to film because although we appreciated we didn't all have to be there to film we didn't want to leave just Macy who was in charge of the camera. I remember when we filmed our preliminary we had to do a table so we could see when all of us where free and when our actors Ella and James were free. We did find it difficult to find a day because both me and Jasmine had jobs, Jasmine working most nights after school and myself woking on Saturdays. However we did work around this finding a day after school where Macy,me and both our actors could film just unfortunately Jasmine couldn't.

Problems when filming the opening

  • We also had a few problems when trying to film our opening. One of these problems was the use of camera. Jasmine wasn't able to make one of the filming days and at the beginning of filming we were using her camera. This was a slight problem but we managed to get past it by relocating another camera.We tried to make sure we chose actors that we knew would be easily available to use.

What we have learnt

  • I feel that since doing the preliminary task we have all improved our skills with both the technical side like filming and editing but also our skills in mise en scene and setting up the scene and lighting. The lighting in our preliminary task wasn't very good and it in my opinion slightly ruined it cause you couldn't see the actors very clearly.