What is a virus? A virus is a code that allows people to steal/change your information
Why is it dangerous? It is dangerous because it allows people to steel your personal info
How do you get one? When you open a email,message or document sent to you from a unknown user you can get one.
How is it prevented. You can get rid of it or keep it away by adding a anti-virus or a anti-melware to your system
What is a worm? It is a type of code that copy's itself onto your program from other devices
Why is a worm dangerous? When you receive the code it deletes,changes and shares your data to other people/were it came from
How tYou can receive the code from it multiplying/coping itself from other devices
You can be-rid of it by installing a anti-melware code onto your system
It is a code that when you get one of these it looks helpful but all it does is do harm
When you get it,it will bring down the safety of your device and steels/sends your info
You get it by not keeping your anti-virus up to date and the code will start it's effect's as soon as you get it
You can keep it away by updating your anti-melware or/and using a anti-virus
It is a code that spams you with ad's
The code spams you with ad's and can cause your computer to slow down
You get this type of code by clicking on a unknown ad, as soon as you get the code it will start working
You most likely will not get one if you do not click on unknown ad's that you don't know about/don't trust/look suspicious/stupid/useless
It is a code that allows people to spy on your information
It allows people to spy on your info, hack onto your accounts, steal/change your info
This happens when somebody places the code on your computer and then finds out your passwords to hack into your accounts
You can prevent this by keeping a anti-virus on your system and/or keeping up a high security system on your device