Copy of Melissa's Sea Horse Information
Physical Appearance
- Pattern like a Zebra which is black and white
- It has a Dorsal Fin.
- The Average size is 0.6 inches to 14 inches.
Responses to its Enviroment
- Has no teeth
- And can blend in into its surroundings.
Behavioral Adaptations
- They have to eat their food and swallow it whole
- Zebra seahorses eat Copepods, Shrimp, and Plankton.
- They have to eat small animals of the cause they have no stomach.
Interactions with other Seahorses
- Seahorses tend to stay with only one other seahorse.
Interacts with Environment
- The zone the Zebra seahorse lives in is the sunlight zone.
Sunlight zone
- The average depth is 50 to 660 feet.
- The average temperature is 27*F to 104*F.
- Light is minimal.
Impact the Ecosystem
- The main reason why seahorses are dying is because of hunting
- And over fishing by accidentally fishing them
Ways to help
- By not over fishing
- And not by using them as suviners
- We kill them for food and accesories
- And by harming its Environment.
More ways to help
- By not over fishing them and using them for food or souvenirs.
- And also not harming the ocean.
- Some predators include Crabs, Sting Rays, and Penguins but sometimes depends on the location.
- Zebra seahorse aren't predators because they eat plants and small animals.
Became Extinct
- Some animals such as Crabs and Sting Rays would have to look for another organism to eat.
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