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Mobile Killing Units


Mobile Killing Squads
by, Logan Ehr

Photo by Vince Alongi

Mobile Killing Squads

and how they started
Photo by Thomas Hawk

Mobile killing squads were assigned to kill racial or political enemies found inside German controlled territory.

Photo by Jorge Lascar

Mobile Killing Units were called Einsatzgruppen

Photo by damiandude

how the Einsatzgruppen

impacted the war
Photo by ►Milo►

The Einsatzgruppen left it's footprint in the war by the huge amount of deaths due to the Killing Units

how they ended

Photo by englishsnow

The Einsatzgruppen ended the lives of others by shooting them onsite or at a killing hole where they would pile dead people on top of eachother

Holocaust Museum. “Mobile Killing Units." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 20 June 2014. Web. 11 May 2015.

"Soldiers Look through the Remains of Jewish Victims." 1941. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC. By US Holocaust Memorial Museum