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Copy of Motion Energy

Published on Dec 11, 2015

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  • A basketball moving for one person to the other
  • When Badminton plum gets hit by a racket it flys in the air.
  • When we are running really fast we are moving so that is motion.
  • Another type of motion is sailing when we are sailing and the wind pushes us.
Photo by clickykbd


  • Translational energy that requires 4 times the effort to make it got twice.
  • You just have to move you do not have to do anything No instructions!!
  • Your not like being a robot programming its self.
  • To move as a robot this is what you'll think in your head move 140 degrees.
  • A other reason is why would you have to plan before moving just do it!


  • Motion can cause really bad storms.
  • It causes competition war between friends or teams.
  • It could cause tornadoes from bad weathers.
  • And probably if you know tornados move so they are using motion
  • Some of the causation has to do of sports because a lot of motion.


  • We could take action by what we do.
  • Taking action by instead of being lazy.
  • We could do sport instead of lying in our beds or rooms all day.
  • So stand up and take action
Photo by wili_hybrid