Treble clef
A symbol located at the beginning of a staff to indicate the upper pitches. It is also called the G clef.
Bass clef
A symbol located at the beginning of a staff to indicate the lower pitches. It Is also called the F clef.
Key Signature
The sharps or flats located at the beginning of a piece to indicate the tonality
Time signature
A symbol placed at the left side of the staff to indicate the meter
(Number of beats per measure/which note gets the beat)
Half step
The distance of two notes next to each other (G-G#) on the piano it is usually a white to a black key
Whole step
A distance of two half steps
A curved line connecting two notes of the same pitch to add their values together
A curved line connecting several notes to show that they should be played legato
(Makes it all complete)
Placing the rhythmic stress on the off beat
Glottal attack
Hitting the vocal folds together to stop air flow; usually used with vowels