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Published on Mar 28, 2016

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Etymology: comes from the Latin verb concoquere, con meaning "thoroughly" and coquere meaning "to cook"

Definition: ( noun ) Something that has been prepared by putting several things together; a mixture of ingredients.


Etymology: comes from the Latin adjective cōnspicuus. Cōnspicuus coming from the word cōnspicere. Cōn meaning "thoroughly" and specere meaning, "to see, observe"

Definition: (adjective) 1. Easily seen; obvious.
2. Attracting attention; striking; remarkable.


Etymology: Comes from the Latin noun contortiō. The word contortiō comes from the Latin verb, contorquere, "to twist". Con meaning "thoroughly" and torquere meaning "to twist"

Definition: (noun) A sharp twist or bend in something.


Etymology: Counter comes from the Old French word, contre, "against". The word contre comes from the Latin contr