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Copy of Play land Field Trip Shelby Frederick

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Playland field trip
By:Shelby Frederick #10
Group members:Jackson,Zach,

Photo by GarrettRiffal

There are 238 students and 24 supervisors going to Playland. In total there are 262 people going in total.

Photo by Keoni Cabral

There will be 5 buses going . Each bus costs $55 per hour we are going to be at playland for 6 hours. It will cost $1320 for all 5 of the buses.

Photo by KB35

It will cost $17.00 for each student and $15.75 for each supervisor.

The grand total of the field trip to Playland is $5744

Photo by aresauburn™

Reasons we should go to Playland. At Playland we can learn about acceleration on the roller coasters and G-force on the Hellavator.

Photo by il.irenelee