McIlroy's parents had hope in his golf abilities when he hit a 40-yard drive at 2.
Both of McIlroy's parent's worked long hours and multiple jobs to pay for his golf experiences as a child. His father held down several jobs and his mother worked extra shifts at the local 3M plant.
McIlroy's first significant international victory came in the World Championship for the 9–10 age group in Florida.
At the age of 15, McIlroy was a member of Europe's winning 2004 Junior Ryder Cup team.
In late 2004, at age 15, he signed at East Tennessee State University, but after his wins in 2005, he decided to forgo the scholarship and continue to play amateur golf in Europe.
At Address: Settle in so that your arms hang freely and are far enough in front of you to whip the club through the impact zone without your body getting in the way.
Takeaway: "Push" the club straight back. Picture a wall running parallel to your toe line and straight up through your hands [above]. As you start your swing, keep your hands and the clubhead on the wall.
At the top: I stop my swing when my left shoulder hits my chin. If that's plenty of turn for me, then it's plenty for you. If I stop my shoulder turn at 90 degrees while keeping my right knee flexed -- which lets me load a lot of energy -- there's not a par 5 on earth I can't reach in two. Your swing will feel tighter, not shorter -- a great feeling to have.