Today you will learn about Saint Agnes. Saint Agnes is a virgin-martyr. You will learn about when she was born, when she died, her feast day, what churches and schools she is named after, and many other fun facts you may or may not have known about about her (Saint Agnes). I hope you enjoy.
Saint Agnes died on January 21st, 304. She was only 13 years old. She grew up as a Christian. It is said that she was very beautiful. Every man wanted her as his wife but she refused. She would say " My only spouse is Jesus Christ". They would get very mad. One day, a man accused her of being Christian so they planed to kill her. First they tried to burn her but an angel protected her. Since this didn't work they cut her head off or beheaded her. Others say that they stabbed her in the throat.
O little St. Agnes, so young and yet made so strong and wise by the power of God, protect by your prayers all the young people of every place whose goodness and purity are threatened by the evils and impurities of this world.
Give them strength in temptation and a true repentance when they fail. Help them to find true Christian friends to accompany them in following the lamb of God and finding safe pastures in His Church and in her holy sacraments.
May you lead us to the wedding banquet of heaven to rejoice with you and all the holy virgin martyrs in Christ, who live and reign forever and ever.