Theologically, for the shame-based person, the gift of faith must be physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually appropriated in such a way that there is a radical reversal in self-perception based on the justifying Word of God. The person not only believes (cognitively) but experiences (affectively) that engaging in self-justifying behavior through the development of elaborate self-defense strategies is no longer necessary. The message is that you have become through God’s grace a “new being” whose existence, identity, worth, and value are already guaranteed and determined (Albers, 102).
...the blood sacrifice becomes, “the symbolic turning of the worshipper in love and trust towards God and the offering of his or her whole life to the God who only has to say a word and we are healed "
Christ represents the entirety of the human race, both the guilty – the perpetrators of violence and suffering – and the innocent, those who have been the victims of abuse and neglect. In his self-offering, he expresses solidarity with the tragedy of humanity, all those who have been marginalized and excluded as well as those who have been responsible for that very marginalization. In reality he takes all of us, the guilty, the shamed, the excluded, the included, the innocent, the powerless, the weak, the dominant – all are represented in him God, he was offering us the very life of God. “He represented the being-in-communion of the Trinity to humanity and the pouring of his blood was his life, the life of God, donated for us.”