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Photo by Mark Wiewel


  • Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world.
  • You may call the sport soccer but in other countries soccer is called football !
  • In Italy soccer is called calcio
  • Soccer player Lionel Messi has been in the World Cup 3 times and has won 46 games tied 11 games and lost 12 games and is only 28!
  • Even some animals are trained to play soccer!
Photo by Ardonik

Soccer or football was developed in England and Scotland in the 19th
century. The football association and modern rules were established in 1863.

Photo by Josh Kenzer

Soccer balls in the 1870's were made by stitching
segments of leather together.They were heavy and hard to kick. The balls could kill some one if they were headed.

Photo by marcp_dmoz

In the 1940's they made balls lighter and easier to kick. This
made it safer to head the ball. In the 1930's leather shin pads were now being worn inside socks. The shoes were also made with laces instead of buckles.

But now we use light weight plastic shin guards instead of leather. We use flexible light weight cleats. In conclusion soccer has had many changes throughout history.

Photo by ollesvensson

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Photo by mikecogh