Many assume George Whitefield's tour was the main cause of the Great Awakening as he did ignite it with his heated lectures, but he was not necessarily the cause.
Denominations were already beginning to see changes prior to the Great Awakening, but with the assistance of more passionate leaders the Great Awakening was a time of rapid and complete change.
Lippy, Charles H. "Great Awakening." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2015. Web. 24 Sept. 201
Loveland, Anne C. and Helm, Thomas E. "First Great Awakening." Great Events from History: The Eighteenth Century. Ed. John Powell. Hackensack: Salem, 2006. n. pag. Salem Online. Web. 23 Sep. 2015. .
Hardman, Keith J. "The First Great Awakening In Colonial American Newspapers: A Shifting Story." Church History 83.1 (2014): 213-216. History Reference Center. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.
"The Stamford Historical Society Presents." The Stamford Historical Society, Davenport Exhibit, James Davenport, 1716-1757. N.p., 2009. Web. 27 Sept. 2015.