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Properties of Elements
By Elise Lenahan and Hannah Stevens

Photo by Claudio.Ar


Photo by pixelbart

Properties of Metals

  • Shiny metallic appearance
  • Can be deformed without breaking
  • Malleable (can be hammered into shapes)
  • Highly resistant to heat
  • Good electrical conductivity
  • Resistant to acids and other harsh chemicals
  • Obtained from Earth
Photo by fdecomite

Importance of Metals

  • Electronics use metals for the transfer of electricity.
  • Metals are used in medicine to cure metal deficiency diseases in humans. Iron, titanium and aluminum are a few examples.
  • Metals like iron and steel are used to build homes and buildings.
  • Metals like gold, silver, platinum and copper are used to make jewelry.


  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Platinum
  • Mercury
  • Uranium
  • Aluminum
  • Sodium
  • Calcium

Transition Metals

Photo by Great Beyond

Properties of Transition Metals

  • Very hard
  • High melting and boiling points
  • Malleable
  • High electrical and thermal conductivity
  • Possess the properties of metals
  • Found in compounds buried in the Earth's crust
  • Oxidize and corrode and become brittle

Importance of Transition Metals

  • Are the key elements in life and evolution
  • Without iron, oxygen wouldn't make it to the brain
  • Titanium is used to detect sound underwater
  • Iron, cobalt and nickel are used for magnets
  • Are key ingredients in automobiles because of their strength, durability and extreme resistance to heat and fire
Photo by ginnerobot

Examples of Transition Metals

  • Scandium (bicycles)
  • Copper (electrical wires)
  • Cadmium (paints)
  • Zinc (brass instruments)
  • Iron (steel structures)
  • Silver (jewelry)
  • Titanium (aerospace)
Photo by Pörrö

Alkali Earth Metals

Photo by nixter

Properties of Alkali Earth Metals

  • Shiny
  • Silvery-white
  • Low melting and boiling points
  • Have two electrons in their valence shell
  • Low densities
Photo by glaciergirl

Examples of Alkali Earth Metals

  • Beryllium
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Strontium
  • Barium
  • Radium

Importance of Alkali Earth Metals

  • Magnesium and calcium are essential to all known living organisms
  • Hard corals use strontium to build their exoskeletons
  • Beryllium and radium are toxic
  • Emerald is a naturally occurring compound of beryllium
Photo by Nataraj Metz

Alkali Metals

Properties of Alkali Metals

  • Low melting points
  • Soft and can be easily cut with a knife
  • Low densities (lithium, sodium and potassium will float on water)
  • React quickly with water
  • Do not exist in nature in their native state

Importance of Alkali Metals

  • Sodium and potassium are important nutrients
  • Form important compounds such as table salt and washing soda
  • Lithium can control medical disorders like manic depression
  • Lithium is also used in batteries and glass
  • Hydrogen makes up huge stars

Examples of Alkali Metals

  • Hydrogen
  • Lithium
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Rubidium
  • Cesium
  • Francium
Photo by .aditya.

Superheavy Elements

Photo by bburky

Properties/Importance of Superheavy Elements

  • Radioactive
  • Never found in nature
  • No uses except atomic research
  • Have large number of protons in their nucleus
  • Unstable

Examples of Superheavy Elements

  • Rutherfordium
  • Dubnium
  • Seaborgium
  • Bohrium
  • Hassium
  • Meitnerium
  • Darmstadtium
  • Roentgenium
  • Copernicium
  • Nihonium
  • Flerovium
  • Moscovium
  • Livermorium
  • Tennessine
  • Oganesson
Photo by TonZ

Rare Earth Metals

Photo by P!XELTREE

Properties of Rare Earth Metals

  • Silver, silvery-white, or gray metals
  • Have a high luster and tarnish readily in air
  • High electrical conductivity
  • Aren't very rare, but prior to 1945, it was very hard to purify the metals from their oxides
Photo by Auntie P

Importance of Rare Earth Metals

  • An essential part of many high-tech devices such as cell phones and flat screen monitors.

Examples of Rare Earth Metals

  • Includes15 Elements on the Periodic Table
  • Lanthanum is used in telescope lenses
  • Terbium is used in fluorescent lamps
  • Europium is used in color televisions
  • Thulium is used in laser surgery
Photo by Evan Hamilton

Poor Metals

Photo by Luke,Ma

Properties of Poor Metals

  • Solid metal
  • Malleable (can be hammered out of shape without breaking)
  • Ductile (flexible)
  • Good conductors of heat and electricity
  • Softer and have lower melting and boiling points than other metals
Photo by HomeSpot HQ

Importance of Poor Metals

  • Aluminum is very important in transportation
  • Indium is used in medical imaging
  • Tin is used in making electrical connections
  • Lead is found in paints, batteries and some toys and is highly toxic.
  • Bismuth is used in fire sprinkler systems
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Examples of Poor Metals

  • Aluminum is the most abundant non-metal on Earth
  • Gallium will melt if held in the hand
  • Thallium is highly toxic and can cause death
  • Lead
  • Tin
Photo by { pranav }

Actinide Metals

Properties of Actinide Metals

  • All our radioactive
  • All are unstable
  • All have silvery or a silvery-white luster in metallic form
  • Hazardous to handle
Photo by jurvetson

Importance and Examples of Actinide Metals

  • Are important in understanding nuclear chemistry
  • All are radioactive
  • Uranium allows scientists to estimate the age of rocks
  • Thorium is used in nuclear fuel and sunlamps


Photo by ntr23

Properties of Non-Metals

  • No luster
  • Poor conductor of heat and electricity
  • Brittle (breaks easily)
  • Not ductile (cannot easily be reshaped)
  • Not malleable
  • Low melting point
Photo by neil conway

Importance of Non-Metals

  • Phosphorus is essential in our diets
  • Earth and the human body are made up of mostly oxygen
Photo by Paco CT

Examples of Non-Metals

  • Carbon (2 main forms a diamond and graphite)
  • Nitrogen
  • Oxygen
  • Phosphorus ( found in milk, meat and beans)
  • Sulfur (matches, gunpowder and fireworks)
  • Hydrogen
Photo by jurvetson


Photo by Hypocentre

Properties of Metalloids

  • Has a mixture of metals and non-metals (alloy)
  • Metallic appearance
  • Brittle
  • Fair conductors of electricity
Photo by Dukas.Ju

Importance of Metalloids

  • Metalloids and their compounds are used in alloys, flame retardants, glasses and electronics

Examples of Metalloids

  • Boron (sports equipment)
  • Silicon (soil, sand and stone)
  • Arsenic (poison)
  • Germanium (electronics)
  • Antimony (car batteries)
  • Tellurium (thermoelectric coolers)
Photo by Tommy1969


Photo by markconnell

Properties of Halogens

  • Highly reactive
  • All Halogens react with hydrogen
  • When Halogens react with metals they produce salt

Importance and Examples of Halogens

  • Fluorine: Fluoride is used in toothpaste to prevent cavities
  • Chlorine is used to disinfect drinking water and swimming pools
  • Bromine is used in flame retardants and in the production of film
  • Iodine is used to clean wounds
  • Astatine is radioactive and rare

Noble Gases

Photo by SonOfJordan

Properties of Noble Gases

  • Odorless
  • Colorless
  • Tastless
  • Nonflammable under standard conditions
Photo by jjackowski

Importance and Examples of Noble Gases

  • Helium is used in balloons
  • Glass tubes can be filled with neon to make neon signs
  • Krypton is used in lightbulbs
Photo by Aaron Wagner

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