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Copy of The Respiratory System

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I am doing the Respiratory System. When you breath in and out you are using your respiratory system. You use your Respiratory system everyday, one of the main parts of your respiratory system is your lungs that's were the air your breath in goes. When you breath in you breath in air and when you breath out you reach out carbon dioxide.

Average breathing rate
Your breathing changes as you get older and older. Like when you a baby your breathing rate is around about 40 times every minute, nut an adults is around about 12 to 16 times every minute.

Photo by shawnzrossi


  • Nose and nasal cavity
  • Oral cavity (mouth)
  • Pharynx (throat)
  • Larynx (voice box
  • Trachea (windpipe)
  • Bronchi and bronchioles
  • Lungs
  • Muscles of respiration

Nose and nasal cavity
The nose is were you would normally breath out and in from. You breath in air and then breath out carbon dioxide. The nasal cavity is a hollow space that is within the nose and skull.

Oral cavity (mouth)
The oral cavity is also were you breath in and out from but you don't use it as much as your nose. When you breath in through your oval cavity it is a shorter way to get air to your lungs and and you get more are into your body.

Photo by smkybear

Pharynx (throat)
The throat is apart of the Respiratory System it is a muscular funnel, it extends from the posterior end of the nasal cavity and then to the superior end of the esophagus and larynx. There is not just one part f the pharynx there is actually three parts. The three parts are the nasopharynx, the laryngopharynx and the oropharynx.

Larynx (voice box)
The larynx is located in the neck and is a short section of the airway tat connects the laryngopharynx and the trachea (windpipe).

Trachea (windpipe)
The trachea' main function is to provides clear airway so that the air can enter and exit the lungs. The trachea is a 5-inch long tube, it is made up of c-shaped hyaline cartilage rings lined with pseudostratified collates columnar epithelium.

Bronchi and bronchioles
There are two types of bronchi and bronchioles the primary and secondary bronchi and bronchioles. The primary bronchi and bronchioles split into left an right branches, they go to the left and right lungs before branching into smaller branches know as secondary bronchi and bronchioles. He. Secondary bronchi and bronchioles send air to the lobes of the lungs 3 in the right lung and 2 in the left lung. Then the secondary bronchi and bronchioles spit into smaller branches like a tree.

There are 2 lung in your body one on the right and one on the left, the lungs are large and spongy organs in your body. The lungs are not the exact same size, the right lung is actually a little bigger than the left because of the heart on the left side of our body's. which means that the left lung only has 2 lobes and the right lung has 3 lobes.

Photo by liverpoolhls

Muscles of respiration
There are Sets of muscles are surrounding the lungs that are able to cause air to enter and exit from the lungs. There are many small intercostal muscles between the ribs that can assist with compressing and expanding the lungs.


  • Bacteria pneumonia
  • Asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Lung cancer
Photo by OctopusHat

Bacterial pneumonia
Bacterial pneumonia is when your lungs' air sacks become inflamed and the sacs air filled with fluid, cellular debris and pus.some times it can be serious or mild. Some symptoms include
Headaches,sweating, loss of appetite, moist or pale skin, muscle pains and others.

Asthma is inflammation to the lung airways, which can cause coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease makes it difficult to breath. There is three conditions --- chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic asthma.

Lung cancer
Lung cancer is really bad it is caused by uncontrolled growth in abnormal cells. Lung cancer can spread to other parts of your body and can start somewhere else and go the lungs. Every year around about 11,000 Australians get lung cancer. One way you can get lung cancer is by smoking tobacco (smokes).

Thanks for watching i hope that you learnt a little bit more about the respiratory system.

Photo by Dru!