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Published on May 30, 2016

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The Story of My Life

John Cotey (Block 8)
Photo by seanmcgrath


(Bill Clinton)
Bill Clinton, the 42nd U.S. President, was caught in an affair with an unpaid intern in 1995. The intern, 21-year-old Monica Lewinski, was active in the affair for over a year and a half. Because of this affair, after about 14 hours of debate, Bill Clinton was only the second ever president to be impeached. Clinton was also a sax player, just like me.

George W. Bush
George W. Bush was born on July 6th, 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut. He was elected the 43rd President of the United States in November of 2000. The election of the 43rd president was the closest and most controversial elections of all time. It was the second time in U.S. history that the son of a past president got elected into office. Bush was the very first president that i've gotten to experience in my lifetime.

Photo by amarine88

Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey, born on January 17th, 1962, is a Canadian-American comedian, actor, screenwriter, impressionist, and producer. He struck gold in the 1990's with multiple successful movies. He took part in movies like "Dumb and Dumber", "Liar Liar", "Bruce Almighty", "The Mask", and many more. I grew up with all of Jim Carrey's movies and he's really helped mold me into the person I am today.

Ellen Degeneres
Ellen is a 58-year-old comedian, actress, writer, and producer. She has her own show called "The Ellen Degeneres Show" that has been running for about 13 years now. She has influenced my life because every day after school growing up I used to watch her show, and I still watch it today.

(Christina Aguilera)
Christina Aguilera is a singer/songwriter, actress, and dancer from New York. She is most known for her songs "Beautiful" and "Lady Marmalade". She was a huge part of my childhood because I grew up listening to all of her music. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be pursuing music like I am today.

(9-11/the war on terrorism)
On September 11th, 2001 the Twin Towers in New York City were targeted and brought down by two hijacked airplanes. These attacks pushed George W. Bush to renew his foreign policy. Even though I was only 1-year-old at the time of 9-11, the affect of the attacks has impacted me still today.

Photo by Sister72

NAFTA stands for The North American Free Trade Agreement. It is an agreement signed by Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. that allows trade between and through those countries freely. NAFTA has helped employ people and have showed strong economic growth.

(Barack Obama is sworn in as POTUS)
On November 16th, 2008 Barack Obama was sworn in as the President of the United States. He currently is the 44th POTUS and the very first African American ever to be President. I remember every TV channel talking about Obama. I was only 8 years old when he was elected.

Photo by jamesomalley

(Nelson Mandela becomes President of South Africa)
Nelson Mandela served as President of South Africa from 1994-1999. I don't necessarily have any memory of him because this happened before I was born. My parents do remember him though and have told me stories about him.

(Gay Marriage Legalized)
On June 26th, 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. I remember this day clearly because I believe in equality for all. This day was a big win for the LGBT community and it's exactly the push they needed for equality.

Photo by John-Morgan

(Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing)
On April 19th, 1995 a truck pulled up outside of the Federal Building in Oklahoma. After a little bit of time it blew up totally destroying over half of the building. 168 people were dead and even more were injured. The attack was issued by an anti-government militant named Timothy McVeigh. This attack really scared people including my parents. My parents remember hearing about it and being scared that something might happen near them too.

Some movies that I grew up with are "A Bugs Life," "Parent Trap," and "Finding Nemo". Music was a HUGE part of my childhood too. I listened to everyone from Barney to Sara Bareilles. The one TV show that I grew up with was Scooby Doo. I remember always getting so excited to watch Scooby Doo every day after school.

Photo by vxla

(First "Harry Potter" book is released)
In 1997 J.K. Rowling released her first of many "Harry Potter" books. Harry Potter took up a huge chunk of my childhood. My dad and sister used to always tell me that I needed to read the books before I watched the movies. We'd also have contests to see who could get through all the books the fastest.

Photo by bibicall

(YouTube is Launched)
YouTube has been a huge part of my life recently and has made an enormous affect on the way I look at life and what I want to do with my life. YouTube was founded in 2005 as a dating website. But then transitioned into a site where people could use their imagination to create videos for every to enjoy (for FREE). Back then it wasn't big at all, but now it is becoming an empire. The first ever YouTube video I watched was a video from iJustine. She immediately hooked me in with her humor.

Photo by redsoul300

(Pluto is demoted to "Dwarf Planet" status)
There has been controversy for centuries about if Pluto is actually a planet or a huge floating rock. In 2006, scientists and NASA officially labeled the rock as a "Dwarf Planet". I remember everyone being mad because they thought it wasn't fair that Pluto wasn't known as a real planet. But you can't please everybody I guess.

Photo by koocbor


Photo by Marcus Vegas