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Published on Nov 30, 2015

Think Alouds


Think Alouds

Tips for Effective Think-Alouds

Tips for Effective Think-Aloud

  • Choose a short piece of text.
  • Let the text tell you what to do.
  • Keep your think-alouds authentic.
  • Think like a scientist, mathematician, historian, artist, literary critic
  • Tell them what you did.

Choose a short piece of text.

  • Focused and well-paced.
  • Use a passage of 1-4 paragraphs.
  • Model a maximum of two strategies.
Photo by Valentina_A

Let the text tell you what to do.

  • Don't go into a think-aloud cold.
  • Read the text several times.
  • Make notes about the comprehension strategies you are using.
  • These notes will provide the ideas for the content of your think-aloud.
  • Annotate the text for you to refer to as you read.
Photo by Rameshng

Keep your think-alouds authentic.

  • Adopt a conversational tone that mirrors informal language.
  • Say: "Hey--when I read this part about chromosomes, right away I see ...
  • Rather than: "I was metacognitively aware and activated...
  • Ensure that you refer to your annotations to show what you were thinking.
  • It's okay to use pictures to draw in your visual learners.

Think Like a Scientist, Mathematician, Historian, Artist, Literary Critic,

  • Choose content specific articles
  • Show students how you process text through the lens of your content
  • Remember your understanding of content text is influenced by your knowledge
Photo by andriuXphoto


Craft a few well-planned think-alouds for your passage
Photo by Ed Yourdon