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I am the guy in the picture. I am full time student and also and full time physical therapist assistant at the Battle Creek VA Medical Center. My job/career is very rewarding. I have the greatest time hanging with my friends and family.
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This is Me Joe Thomas

Student, Physical Therapist Assistant, Fun Guy, country boy
I am the guy in the picture. I am full time student and also and full time physical therapist assistant at the Battle Creek VA Medical Center. My job/career is very rewarding. I have the greatest time hanging with my friends and family.


I have 2 Associates Degrees, one in general sciences and one in physical therapy assisting. I am currently finishing up my bachelors degree in Integrated health systems at Western and then transferring to University of Phoenix and will be getting Masters Degrees in health care administration and another in project management. School takes a lot of my time especially because I have worked full time the entire time.
Photo by bmward_2000

Physical Therapy Assistant

I am the guy in the middle of the picture in the blue shirt almost entirely hidden. I was 36 when I decided to go back to school and was lucky enough to get into the PTA program at KCC in Battle Creek and 2.5 years later I graduated and started working at Bronson inpatient acute, then went to Battle Creek health where I learned a lot. Then I was lucky enough to start working at the VA medical center, It is an honor to help those who have protected our country. This is where I plan on staying and working my way up the ladder with my experience and degrees to back it up.

I like to have fun and hang out with my friends, I am the one on the right!

My family and friends are the best. They put up with my ADD and my antics. They have supported me more than I could ever imagine and I am grateful each and every one of them.

Country boy

Horses,dogs,cats ect..
I grew up on a horse farm, The background picture is actually my nieces horse and dog and the circle picture is my jack russell and rat terrier. I plan to retire and run a horse farm. Well if I win the lotto any way.

My family, mom, dad, sister and me.

I am lucky guy as I mentioned before. My family is great even though my parents divorced when I was 12 we are still really close and I am happy to say my step mother and sister are great too.


I did not to to college right out of high school, I was 17 and just wanted to get out in the world and work. I went started back to college when I was 20. I have pretty much been going to school ever since then and working nearly full time to full time. I am now 47 and plane on being done with my masters degree before I am 51.
I have changed what I wanted to do when I grow up many times, hence the many years of school.
What I plan on doing in this class is brushing up on my digital design ability. At one time I was going to go into advertising art and have some experience with the programs but that was over 10 years ago.


I have ADD and I tell people its like having a lightning storm in your head that does not stop. I have never been medicated for it. I was fortunate to have teachers, when I was young and starting school, that would let me get up and do other things instead of making me sit at my desk. Over the years I was able to learn how to sit still and pay attention better and by the time I was in high school I could pretty much get through my classes with out issue.
I also have some weird sensory integration issues. Mostly I don not like long sleeves, jewelry like watches and chains. I also can't wear long socks. I do have few food issues to, the big one is I cant eat flavored chips because the powdered flavor has a weird texture.
This is why I love on line classes because now that I am older I have less ability to sit through a class.
Photo by snowpeak