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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Photo by faith goble

Islam translates to submission or surrender to Allah. Allah is their god. Salaam (peace) has the same root word as Islam.

Islam came from the Arabian peninsula. Mostly desert but farming was possible.

Islam had many land and sea trade routes as you can see. The Silk Road actually also became a major trading route/network for the Islam.

Before Muhammad it's okay to say there was a bit of chaos. For example, there was separate tribes that believed in their own gods. However they were all nomadic herders who fought for water etc.

Islams golden Age ^ was from around 600-1200 AD. This was a time where all the intellectual fields were at their very best.

For example astronomy was very important to the Muslims. Not only for practical reasons but for religious. Astronomy aided navigations and helped with the lunar calendar.

Another example of an intellectual advancement could be mathematics. The Islam people improved Greek, Indian, Persian, and Chinese mathematics. Thus helped them build Better buildings.

The islamic law was called the Shari'a. It was based on the collections of reports known As the Hadith.

Muhammad was born in Mecca but soon became an orphan around the age of 6. Resulting in need the care of his grandpa and his uncle.

Even though Muhammad was born on 570 AD he had a huge impact on the time 600-1200. MUSLIMS AND others often call him the last prophet sent by god.

At 40, Muhammad said he was visited by the angel Gabriel and told him he was the messenger of Allah" therefore he was convinced the final revelations were given to him.

These revelations were that there was only one god, Allah and that everyone should submit/surrender to him. On judgement day, those who had surrendered would go to paradise, those who didn't, would go to hell.

Unfortunetly, muhammad died 632 AD. HE PAST AWAY FROM A VERY HIGH FEVER.

Muhhammed and his followers fled from Mecca to medina in 622. There they formed a little community called the ummah.

Caliphate was the office established in succession to the prophet. This was to rule the islamic empire.

After Muhammad's death there became a division. That being the Sunnis and the Shia.
Sunnis=85% Of Muslims & Shia=15% of Muslims.

The period after his death could be categorized as the caliphs. The caliphs were spiritual leaders. The first caliph was Muhammad's friend, Abu Bakr.

The next period in islamic history is the establishment of dynasties. The Umayyad Dynasty was established in 661 and lasted for a century.

Another dynasty would be the Abbasids. This dynasty became the center of learning and of culture. It was a huge dynast and ruled for 500 years.