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What do you do?

Today we will learn about different types of jobs


  • What is your job?
  • Is your job full-time or part time?
  • Do you do much overtime?
  • How often do you work?

Types of Jobs:
Baker, Teacher, Scientist, Astronaut, Soldier, Sailor, Nurse, Doctor, Farmer, Vet, Actor, Radio presenter, DJ

Try to say the following:
What is your job?
I am a ________.

Try to say:
Is your job interesting?
Yes, I like my job, it's great.
No, my job is boring, I'd like a new one.

What is full-time work?

  • A full-time job takes up a lot of time
  • Full-time workers usually work 30+ hours a week
  • A typical full-time job is from 9am to 5pm.

What is part-time work?

  • Part-time work is when you work less hours, maybe half a day
  • Part-time workers usually work around 15 hours
  • Working part time gives your more free time but less money
  • Part-time work is good for women with children at school.


  • Overtime is when you work more hours than usual.
  • Overtime usually means you get paid more money.
  • Overtime can be good because you can earn more.
  • Overtime can be bad because it takes away your free time.

How often do you work?

  • This means: how many hours or days do you work a week.
  • Do you work Monday-Friday?
  • Do you work 15 or over 30 hours a week?
  • Do you work on the weekend?

Try to have a conversation

Think about what we have already discussed.

Sample Conversation

  • What do you do?
  • I am a teacher.
  • Do you like your job?
  • Yes, it is fun!
  • When do you work?
  • I work from Monday-Friday
  • Do you work full-time?
  • Yes, I work over 30 hours a week