physicians, patients,
healthcare professionals . . .
on why they blog
"We do such a good job of using social media and the Internet to tell people what we know, but we do a lousy job of telling people who we are. ... And telling people who we are has become really important.
When I set out to write these stories, I set out to tell our patients who we are, what it feels like on the other side of the stethoscope." – @jordangrumet
the very act of writing our story
and having it heard and acknowledged
can go a long way towards healing what needs to be healed."
– @jbbc
"The reason I vlog is because I have always been a fan of documenting my life. Even as a teenager, I kept a diary, and I have always enjoyed reading old posts. ... Vlogs are easier because you can just whip out your camera or smartphone and just start filming, anytime, anywhere."
– @ThailaSkye
"I've had so much feedback on my videos, particularly my Ostomonday videos, saying that they've helped people come to terms with having an ostomy. And that kind of feedback makes all the hard work worthwhile."
– @ThailaSkye
Far too few healthcare providers have set out to engage the segment of the social media audience who most likely stands to benefit the most from what social media in healthcare has to offer: The patient.
– @hjluks
"Blogging forces me to commit my ideas to words.
It allows me to engage a wide base of people with my opinions."
– @travisjgood
Topics are not typically black or white, and hearing opposing views either forces you to strengthen the basis of your own opinions or to reconsider your opinions.
– @travisjgood
"Blogging helps me to reconcile my personal beliefs and understandings of specific topics.
It helps me to become a better communicator."
– @shimcode
"I blog because I am addicted to learning."
– @melsmithjones
"I started blogging to have a voice through social media. I was concerned with the way traditional media was portraying my community, and issues in my specialty of urology." – @StorkBrian
"I believe that social change impacts individual health and can profoundly influence individual behavior. I see health communication as a vehicle for real change, both on a societal level and on an individual level.
After getting started blogging, I just couldn't stop. I decided to start a tweet chat ... " – @drkdhoffman #HCHLITSS
"I blog to cross-pollinate ideas. To me, blogging is a way to share sense-making."
– @healthiscool