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Copy of Work Progress Administration

WPA by Kayleigh Gentry


Work Progress Administration

WPA by Kayleigh gentry

What is WPA?

  • provided public-works jobs
  • wide range of projects
  • for citizens needing quick relief

Background of WPA

  • Largest New Deal agency
  • variety of jobs offered
  • Altogether provided around 8 million jobs in America

Jobs Offered

  • Built traditional infastructure
  • Built roads, sidewalks, schools, courthouses, ect.
  • 40,000 new structures constructed
  • 85,000 improved structures
  • employed artists, writers, actors, construction workers, ect.
Photo by ecstaticist


  • Helped people earn money
  • Gave workers hope and comfort
  • Gave people a steady job
  • Structures built by WPA workers are still in use today
  • Employed around 125,000 people by 1940
Photo by kenteegardin


  • Complaints of bad employees
  • Complaints that WPA causes bad working habits

Contribution to Great Depression

  • Provided jobs to unemployed during the Great Depression
  • Gave hope to families
  • Provided a paying job for at least one family memeber
  • “The stated goal of public building programs was to end the depression" (Robert D. Leighninger).
Photo by wili_hybrid

Need money now?
Have you been affected by the great depression? Do you have a family in need? If so, the WPA is offering millions of jobs! Call 1-800-WPA-JOBS for more information!

Photo by aresauburn™