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The Sui Dynasty ruled for 37 years from 581-618. This Dynasty was very much related Qin dynasty.

Like the Qin dynasty, the Sui dynasty ruled a large region for a shorter period of time. Both of these dynasties ruling was quite harsh.

The Sui Empire (dynasty) began in 581 when a clan member killed 60 of his family members to make himself emperor of the kingdom. His name was Emperor Wen.

Emperor Wen wanted to strengthen his empire so he got support from Confucian Bureaucrats. His goal was to completely control the region. To do this he created major large construction projects and initiated major wars.

In doing those things, he conquered the Chen Empires capital. This is how the actual Empire began.

Emperor Wen was a Buddhist and attempted to spread Buddhism. While doing this he created an edict pretty much saying you will spread Buddhism.

The next Sui Emperor was Emperor Yang. Once Wen died in 604 his son, Yang, became emperor. It is said that Yang killed his father.

Like his father, Yang wanted to strengthen the Sui Empire by creating large projects. His most popular, still here today, is the Grand Canal from Hangzhou to Beijing.

Many people were not happy with the way life was being run in this empire. Various high rank people rebelled and Yang was assassinated in 618 by his advisors.



The Tang Empire was from 618-907. It was one of the largest and longest lasting Empires.

The Tang Dynasty was most closely related to the Han Dynasty. In the way of foreign trade, owning large regions, population, and the beginning and end of these empires.

The Tang Dynasty emerged from the Sui Dynasty. After capturing Chang'an (modern day Xi'an), a general Li Yuan made himself emperor of the Tang Empire in 618. He believed his position was safe however his son made him retire in 626.

That son, Li Shimin, killed his two other brothers to become emperor. He is known as Emperor Taizong. Like the emperor in the Sui, he promoted Buddhism.

There was a time of peace after the death of Emperor Taizong in 649. The empire prospered under the rule of Confucian bureaucrats for a bit of time.

However civil war, famine, and attacks caused death to come upon millions of people. This caused people to rebel.

In the last hundred years of the Tang Empire, many natural disasters happened. In the year 873 a terrible drought and famine happened which swiped out much of the population.

Then there was the Huang Chao Rebellion. People who survived went against the government. This caused the dynasty to weaken significantly.

In 907 Zhu Wen rid of the last Tang ruler and made himself emperor of a new empire. This was the end of the Tang Empire.



The Song Dynasty is split into two time periods. The Northern Song (960-1127) and the Southern Song (1127-1279)

The first emperor, Taizu, began ruling in 960. He created successful policies and won much land.

This emperor created many scientific academies. He is said to have created the Confucian Literati.

A member of the empowers clan because the new emperor in 1129. He is the one to have established the new capital Hangzhou.

After two decades of war, the Song was taken in1276. However, the actual empire ended in 1279.