Their role is to assist in creating a fair atmosphere of fair communication and draft a successful IEP
Facilitator helps keep the team on task, maintains impartiality, clarifies points of agreement and disagreement
The facilitator helps the team focus on student needs, assist the team to resolve conflicts, helps to maintain open communication, and models effective listening
it is free, voluntary, and a confidential alternative to a formal due process hearing.
If both parties agree to mediation, the Office for Dispute Resolution will arrange for a neutral, specially trained mediator to meet with them at a mutually convenient location
ODR mediators are contractors who are trained in mediation and who have knowledge and experience in special education
Resolution meetings are mandated by IDEA for due process requests initiated by parents
The purpose of the resolution meeting is for the parents to discuss the due process complaint and supporting facts so that the school district personnel have the op-portunity to resolve the dispute
The law states that the first 30 days after a parent requests due process is considered a resolution period