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Cows are a very common type of large domesticated ungulates, or hoofed mammals.

Photo by Ryan Song

Because cows are herd animals, they like to stay with the others to lower the threat from predators.

Photo by Hindrik S

Cows are usually kept for their meat or milk but some people keep small cows to be their pets.

Photo by Leithcote

Cows make their mooing sound to communicate with others and say things like “I’m hungry!”

Photo by steve p2008

A cow’s average lifespan is 18-22 years and a full grown cow weighs about 1600 pounds.

Photo by Leon Ephraïm

A cow’s average speed is 25 miles per hour and their body temperature is 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Photo by JelleS

The scientific name of a cow is Bos Taurus and their gestation period is 283 days.

Photo by Amanda Kerr

A cow’s black and white spots are there to prevent horseflies from sucking blood out of a cow.

Not all cows are black and white; the different breeds tend to have different colors. So their spots could be red, brown, or white.

A cow’s plural word, cattle got its name from the French word “chattel” meaning “personal property“.

Photo by Andy Kelly

People say that cows can go up stairs but not back down. However, cows actually can go down stairs depending on how steep the steps are.

Photo by Jenny Hill

Cows lick salt blocks because the salt helps cows maintain normal appetite and mass, and makes cows grow faster.

Photo by Ehoarn Desmas

The average cow has 32 teeth and can chew about 50 times a minute. So a cow moves it’s jaw a in a total of about 40000 times day.

Photo by shelleylyn

Cows are said to have 4 stomachs, but they actually only have 1 stomach. They are known for having 4 stomachs because their stomach has 4 compartments

Cows are scared of many different things such as sudden noises and movements, unfamiliar situations, objects, and smells.

Photo by steve p2008

Most cows’ favorite foods are apples, potatoes, turnip, carrots, and all types of leaves. Such as birch leaves cauliflower leaves, and dandelion leaves.

Photo by steve p2008