Crabs come in many
diffrent sizes.
Crabs come in many
diffrent colors.
Crabs have no bones in
their body.
Crabs look like spiders walking among the sea floor.
When crabs are young they have no home they float through the sea.
All crabs have tails
under their body.
Some crabs lay on the back of sea turtles.
Some crabs are blind and cannot see so they need other crabs to help them.
Crabs have their skulls on the outside of their body.
Crabs eat fish, shrimp,
and worms.
Some crabs have one giant claw and one small claw.
Crabs have many enemies sea otters, and octopuses are just a few of the animals that eat them. People catch and eat crabs too.
Often crabs are able to get away from becoming food. Alot of crabs can swim really good.
Some crabs live in
Myrtle Beach.
There is about 4,500 type
of crab species.
This is a diagram of a Crab with labes
Crabs are really smart and can get around pretty fast.
I choose this animal because its the most protective animal at Myrtle Beach.