Cracking the Code

Published on Feb 23, 2016

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Cracking the Code:

Social Media for Non-Profits Part I

Prior to Facebook

How did you raise money?
What are the traditional ways npos have raised money in the past?

The Industrial Age
is over

During the Industrial Age

  • You did what you did yesterday
  • Faster
  • Cheaper
  • Higher Quantities


The PURPOSE Economy

prioritizing relationships, impact & personal growth

From Born and Bread's Blog:
"After deciding to take the apprenticeship, I knew there was a chance that I’d fall out of love with baking. I was worried that the romance of it all would soon be lost in the routine. Hi, I’m Jenn and I don’t usually like routine (there, I admitted it). This was different though. The early mornings didn’t bother me. I looked forward to being up before the sun, tying my apron, the smells, working with my hands, the finished product, and EATING such delicious art. I’ve found something special."

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PAtriot Coffee

Watch the Video:


Looks like this:

These are your new

Are you still doing things

the old-fashioned way?
Mother and daughter cooking Christmas Ham....
Photo by stevendepolo

Today's Donors (CAMPERS) are different

Are you?
Photo by just.Luc

Give them a reason to listen.

Or They'll Stop...


rules of engagement

  • Contests get people's attention
  • Tell detailed stories
  • Be part of the conversation
  • User-generated content!
  • 80/20 Rule

Do this....

Or this.

Not this.

charity: water


Connect the Donor to the PEOPLE you serve.

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What they do

  • Well-Designed Website
  • Campaigns designed FOR Social Media
  • Create a donor EXPERIENCE
  • Professional visuals
  • Clearly Articulated Mission
  • Personalized thank you - VIDEOS

In 2012, 90,057 donors
gave an average of $187.90
to raise: $16,840,659

March of Dimes


Build Community for the PEOPLE you serve.

What they Do

  • Build community
  • USER-Generated Content
  • Connect DONORS with stories of families

Goals determine outcomes.

Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine
2015 Swan Derby

Give Day Tampa Bay
average donation: $170

Social Media Success:

  • Strategy - You need a plan.
  • Follow what works!
  • Strategy - a plan.
  • Budget - based on goals
  • Commitment - team buy-in
  • Goals - something measureable
  • Measurement - assess the outcomes


Let's discuss!

Cracking the Code:

Social Media for Non-Profits Part 2

Code Breaking

5 Tips for Social Media Success
Photo by David Reeves

1. Optimize your Profiles!

  • Personal Profile - Correct? Up-to-Date? Public?
  • Avatar (don't hide) - You REPRESENT the organization!!!
  • Organization's Profile
  • Know the sizes for graphics (profile/cover)
  • Screen Name - pick a good one
Photo by niallkennedy

2. ENGAGE and Be Engaging

  • Post engaging content - CONSISTENTLY
  • CURATE good content!
  • Write thoughtful content
  • Pass the "Re-Share" Model
  • Support others - CONSISTENTLY

3. FEED the content Monster

  • Find content sources
  • Create a content "well"
  • Follow experts/organizations and curate content
  • Blog and share - not just what you want to sell!!!
  • Don't look clueless! Understand the platform
  • Know your audience (surveys help!)
Photo by owenwbrown

4. USER Generated Content

  • Contests make it easy to collect quality content
  • Take the focus off YOU and put it on THEM
  • Test, Test, Test!
  • Hashtags help track engagement beyond analytics
  • Explore examples from other organizations
  • ASK for pictures!
  • Guest writers - let THEM tell the story!
Photo by Lotus Carroll


Let's discuss!
Photo by Leo Reynolds

5. Be Tactical

  • Strategy for EACH platform - do not duplicate content across platforms - Don't try to accomplish too much
  • Give - Good Content, Support, Engagement
  • Don't ask for anything until they trust you
  • Find Influencers and Strategic Partners
  • Join Communities online that encourage engagement and relationships
Photo by kenteegardin

Thank you!
Contact us to discuss your Marketing Goals!

Photo by vernhart

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