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A Visual journey of the Dhammapada

Starting with V334

Some photos my own, many from India, others are slide deck photos

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Published on Dec 06, 2020

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Spreads like a creeping vine

The craving of a person who lives negligently
A Visual journey of the Dhammapada

Starting with V334

Some photos my own, many from India, others are slide deck photos

Photo by mjk4219

Like a monkey seeking fruit in the forest

Such a person leaps ever onward

Sorrow grows

Like grass after rain

for anyone overcome by this miserable craving

and clinging to the world
Photo by Ian

Sorrow falls away

Like drops of water from a lotus
Photo by John Thomas

for anyone who overcomes

this miserable craving and clinging to the world


Craving, thirst
Deep dive into craving
B/C of Beauty of these verses and
I had never explored it in the past
Rabbit hole!

Tanha- Pali: thirst, drought, craving, and "The fever of unsatisfied longing"

-Merriam-Webster THIRST: "to crave vehemently & urgently"
-thirst is a deep physiological need
-very compelling
-implies suffering; we suffer from thirst;
-sense of sadness or tragedy in it

Often used interchangeably with desire BUT
Desire has many different meanings- more on this later.
Photo by Dan Gold

Tanha- the root of suffering

Craving is a Noble Truth

Stupa at Deer Park, Sarnath- site of the first turning of the wheel of dharma- 4NTs

1st All existence is dukkha
2nd The cause of dukkha is craving
3rd The cessation of dukkha comes with the cessation of craving
4th There is a path that leads from dukkha

2nd NT: it is this craving that leads to renewed existence:
If there were no pleasure and joy in the world, we would not become enamored of samsara.

By facing up to the truth of suffering and its causes, we may begin to reduce it.

"Bhikkhus, all is burning"

The Ādittapariyāya Sutta- FIRE SERMON

"The eye is burning, forms are burning...

Burning with what? Burning with the fire of lust, with the fire of hate, with the fire of delusion.

"When a noble follower who has heard (the truth) sees thus, he finds estrangement in the eye, finds estrangement in forms...

"When he finds estrangement, passion fades out. With the fading of passion, he is liberated.

Nirvana means the extinguishing of fire

this i say to you:

good fortune to all assembled here!

as you would the fragrant root of birana grass

dig out the root of craving
Photo by Ava Sol

don't let Mara destroy you again and again

as a torrential river breaks a reed
Photo by arbyreed

What exactly is Tanha?

(greed) +
(aversion, hatred) +
& Moha
(ignorance, delusion)

Tanha contains 3 root poisons/kleshas- Rooster, snake, and pig -axle of the wheel of life
-lead to creation of karma--> rebirth

Mind states that distort our perception of reality

Rooted in discontent, sense of lack, feeling unfulfilled

Our actions and speech emerge from mental states;

Acknowledging our behaviors are s/t informed by destructive emotions- we can transform them.

Lobha- Greed, desire

  • Attachment to things
  • Attachment to ideas
  • Attachment to our world
  • Attachment to self-view
1. Objects, others, praise, attention.

2. Holding on to our own beliefs or understanding is grasping

3. Belief our world is reality- Buddhist view is each category of being creates its own world, none is more real than another

4. How we see o/w and how others see us- Status

Dosa- aversion, hatred

  • Non-acceptance of your experience in the present moment
  • Fueled by thoughts, sensation, memories
Examples: Irritation, anger, resistance, fault-finding, judging, comparing, boredom, fear, sadness, disappointment, impatience
Photo by David Clode

moha- delusion, ignorance

  • Enchantment with a desired object
  • Incomplete perception- Avidya
  • Self-cherishing
Misconception of reality-Avidya- Not seeing

We exaggerate the + pleasurable qualities & ignore the -difficult/painful qualities- and cost of attaining

Therefore, craving is ignorance or Unwise attention

We think if we possess the object, we will secure or enhance our ego identity

Just as a felled tree grows again

if the roots are unharmed and strong

so suffering sprouts again and again

until the tendency to crave is rooted out

With the 36 streams of craving

flowing mightily toward anything pleasing

the person of wrong views

is carried away on the currents of lustful intent
Photo by Dane Deaner

The streams flow everywhere

the creeper of craving sprouts and remains

seeing that the creeper has sprouted

use insight to cut it at the root

How do we recognize tanha?


-Directionality of the mind toward or away from the object or experience
-Hidden or invisible, often go unnoticed;
-Arises, then is replaced, impermanent
-Deeply conditioned patterns
-Variable intensity and frequency- can be obsessive, ex addiction
-Can never be satisfied: Gratification exists because there is joy in the world. If pleasure did not exist, we would not become enamored with things.
-pain-resistance-seek sensual pleasure-increases craving-attachment to pleasure-increases suffering w/ change in conditions-
-Seek to avoid the second arrow; do not be fettered by your experience of suffering

3 types of craving

  • Kama Tanha
  • Bhava Tanha
  • Vibhava Tanha

Kama Tanha

  • Craving for pleasure via 6 sense desires
  • Preferences and expectations- reinforce self
  • Causes suffering when ceases or absent
Most apparent.
Present in our usual engagement with the world.
Food, pleasing sights/sounds, sexual fulfillment, physical comfort, pleasant mind states, confirming thoughts, reassurance, experiences

The problem is not enjoying them but in being attached to the world of sense pleasures and avoiding discomfort.

Pretas/hungry ghosts- their craving blinds them to the fact that it is the very thing that imprisons them and condemns them to inevitable suffering

bhava tanha

  • Craving for becoming
  • Expectations
  • Based in self-view; reinforces self
  • In meditation- striving, spiritual ambition, trying to make s/t happen
EX: existence, ambition, attainment, approval, success, obsessively planning

Longing, wishing, wanting, hoping, overeagerness, seeking more, Expectation; the idea of what we want to happen

Self-view: status, continuity in the world

Fuels these uncomfortable states: Anxiety, doubt, greed, envy, impatience, self-judgment, comparison, envy, temptation, greed

Vibhava Tanha

  • Craving for non-existence
  • Craving numbness, oblivion, extinction
  • Consumes immense amount of energy
Annihilation, aversion to something present
wanting to be separated from pain

escapism, addiction, television

Must be abandoned

How do we distinguish pleasure from craving?

-You can enjoy s/t w/o craving.
-Tanha includes wrong view & attachment
-Pleasure from beauty does not usually result in craving-
-Ex- scenery, art, music, poetry, sunset
-No striving to own it or make it our own

-Desire can be wholesome: it can be the motivation to accomplish something—
Dharma Raga- craving for dharma
Dharma Kama- love for the dharma
-a desire for enlightenment
-to become more compassionate
-to serve others.

When desire flows,


Attached to happiness, seeking enjoyment

People are subject to birth and death

Held by fetters and bonds,


Surrounded by craving,

People run around like frightened hares
Photo by airboy123

Though clear of the underbrush

And out of the forest,

Someone attached to the forest
Runs right back to it.
Come, see that free person
Run right back into bondage

Photo by Kiwihug

pulling out the thorn from your heart

Renunciation leads to freedom
Attadanda Sutta from the Sutta Nipata

3rd NT: freedom from craving leads to stillness, simplicity, and contentment

What are some steps we can take to transform craving?

Recognize it

What is happening in your experience r/n?
Is craving or aversion present?
If you are having a pleasant experience, is grasping present?
If something is unpleasant, are you pulling away from it?
Ignoring it?
What is the general flavor of your mind?
Is your mind in the present moment?

Sit with it

Now-get out of the way! Observe it.
Notice what is happening in your body, mind.
How does it feel? Change?
Be interested in it and curious to see what happens.

Cultivate the confidence cravings will evolve if you set up + conditions for it to work itself out.

Contemplate your desires and let them be.
Acknowledge them without a sense of judgment

Resist taking steps to fulfill them
Do not try to think your way out of it.

Remind yourself of the nature of tanha

Remind y/s of the nature of life- Recognize it is not always going to work for you the way you want it to.
Tell y/s: "this is what happens in this world"
Forgive life for being what it is- ornament of the brave

This craving is just another experience

See objects of craving in their entirety. Vidya. Right view.

Reflect on how this may bring you suffering
-Object of craving is impermanent- it burns out when fuel runs out
-If we invest our happiness in it we will suffer later
-We may not be able to attain or control it
-We may lose it or be separated from it.
- There are consequences of acting on it. It will burn you.

Photo by Eyasu Etsub

Contemplate a neutral object, one of beauty, or Brahma Viharas

Neutral, something unlikely to trigger more craving or aversion
Ex: Breath, body sensations, flame of candle

Beauty: one you can simply enjoy; flower, nature, snow, Buddha rupa

Brahma Viharas: Metta, karuna, mudita, & upekkha- equinamity.

Cultivate stillness, simplicity, and contentment

Whiskey is an expert in cultivating these mind states!
Be like Whiskey

Ask y/s: do I really need this moment to be different?
Can I let go of my resistance to this experience?
What if I surrendered to what is right now?
Consider you can choose to enter a space of tranquility, ease, and gratitude

Off the cushion: Do nothing. Avoid excessive busyness.

Identify activities that conflict with spiritual life, and those that support it. Avoid those that conflict.
Ex: taking a walk.

Recognize when Kleshas are not present. What is the tone of your mind then?

Practice gratitude; Enjoy what you do have in your life.
Joyful renunciation

Act in accordance with precepts

5 or 10 precepts
Sila-ethical behavior

Particularly mental precepts:
1. Avoid grasping
2. Abstain from hatred, dismissal
3. Work to transcend self-view
4. Practice Generosity


Sometimes we hide our unskillful behavior from o/s or others; Raksha
Confession is the Antidote to concealing
Admitting when you are unskillful helps you identify the shadowy parts of us and lifts the burden of unethical action
Allows you to openly commit to acting more skillfully in the future
Not pejorative- spiritual friends realize only a budda has total purity of mind, the rest of us are expected to act unkillfully at times

It's not a strong bond, say the wise,

That is made of iron, wood, or grass
Photo by Denny Müller

A strong bond, say the wise,

Photo by joncutrer


That bond is weighty, elastic, and hard to loosen.
Photo by Liv Bruce

Having cut even this, they go forth

free from longing, abandoning sensual pleasures

Those attached to passion are caught in a river

like a spider caught in its own web
Photo by Jason DeRusha

But having cut even this, the wise set forth

free from longing, abandoning all suffering

Tanha transformed

Live like a God/Deva

- Brahmacharya
-Enjoy a blissful state of not wanting anything.
God-like state where desires do not disturb you

The observer and the observed

An awareness will arise that has its own nature- one that is not disturbed by craving.
You begin to notice your experiences from a more spacious position

Photo by Pepe Reyes

Mind self-liberates

We lose the attachment associated with craving

The mind begins to more quickly and easily recognize which mental states lead to suffering and which to freedom

Equanimity arises

Mind tolerates stronger mental states with forbearance.

The mind does not indulge nor reject the observed experience

Our grip onto our perceived reality is loosened.

The mind has let go.
Photo by hurleygurley

Let go of the past, let go of the future,

Let go of the present.
Photo by Shaojie

Gone beyond becoming, With the mind released in every way

You do not again undergo birth and old age