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In the beginning when God created the Heavens and the earth and the earth was without form or shape, with darkness over the abyss and a might wind sweeping over the waters...
-Genesis 1:1,2
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Creation Evolution

Published on Dec 14, 2015

An attempt at explaining the Catholic position on the questions of evolution and creation.


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In the beginning when God created the Heavens and the earth and the earth was without form or shape, with darkness over the abyss and a might wind sweeping over the waters...
-Genesis 1:1,2



  • Evolution contradicts all creation stories
Evolution is a random, purposeless process. No "need" for God

1) Randomness is a tall order. What appears as random may, with adequate data, be a part of a higher order
2) Purpose & Need are are not empirical statements. Its presence or absence is not within the provenance of natural science.


Empirical Science studies things that change, that is, the universe which surrounds us. It studies that which can be observed by the senses
Philosophy studies things that both do and don't change, things knowable by reason, even if not measurable in the empirical sense.

The very statement that scientists can only use empirical measurements is, itself, a philosophical statement about the nature of natural science! To claim to be a self-sufficient branch of knowledge (as some scientists-- e.g. Dawkins, Hawking-- do) is a philosophical statement, not a statement proper to natural science.
Photo by Werner Kunz


Creation tells us that---
God is good,
Creation is good (very good)
There is Order
Humanity is different than the rest of creation

Creation is God causing the material universe to exist

As the material universe exists, things within it (humans, acorns, atoms, quasars) change things that already exist. Natural science studies these changes.
Photo by photonburst


Evolution, by studying anatomy, genetics, embryology, paleontology, and numerous other disciplines, teaches that all life is related, and descends from an ancient, common ancestor
Over time, DNA accumulates changes. Some of these changes are beneficial, and, eventually, lead to new species.
Photo by photoskate


That a living thing has DNA and cells does not imply that a living thing is only DNA and cells. A fuller understanding of life will also recall that God called into existence this very creature-- even if we do not know why he did!

Creation & Evolution

When God CREATES, he causes the universe and time to exist. He CAUSES in a primary sense.

Within that created universe, some things change, others don't. Natural science studies changeable things using empirical methods (measurable)

Creation tells us THAT God willed the Universe to exist, that it is Good and Ordered.

Natural Science explores HOW this created universe functions in so far as measurements are helpful.

The two approaches (the THAT of creation & the how evolution)
Theology & Nat Sci are exploring different claims pertaining to the same observed reality