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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Robert Colomb

😇7 Days of Creation😇

1st Day

God said "let there be light" and there was.

2nd Day

God separated the waters from one another.
Photo by kevin dooley

3rd Day

God said "let the water gather in a single basin and bring forth vegetation".
Photo by fung.leo

4th Day

God said "let there be light in the dome of the sky".
Photo by G.OZCAN

5th Day

God said "let the water fill with creatures and let birds fly in the sky".
Photo by J. D. Ebberly

6th Day

God said "let the earth bring forth all kinds of creatures".

7th Day

God rested and said "I created every thing good".
Photo by Krudo.

💎Shine Bright💎

Shine Bright like a diamond


I have no idea why i made that last slide or this one.
Photo by Tc Morgan