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Creative Commons

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Creative Commons

Josh Davis

What is Creative Commons?
- Non-profit organization where you can retrieve photos, videos, music, writing, etc without the worry of violating copyright laws.

Photo by 917press

Why Share?

  • Enhance creativity with insight from others
  • Advance culture
  • Globalization of creativity
  • Universal access to research and education
Photo by nick see

How Does It Work?
Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that lets you share and use creative ideas and knowledge through free legal tools.
It gives the general public permission to share and use your creative work. You are able to choose the conditions in which you want your work used. Creative Common lets you easily change your copyright terms whether you want them to be “all rights reserved” or “some rights reserved.”

Photo by MikeBlogs

Traditional Copyright

Prohibits the use of creative work without the expressed written consent of the creator.

Fair Use Terms

  • Allows for people to use works
  • But only under strict rules or regulations
Photo by swimparallel

Use Creative Commons to search many databases for original work to use without fear of copyright infringment

Photo by Fede Salvo

Check it out!

Share the world without the worry!
Photo by dgermony