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Creativity & Intelligence

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Photo by AlicePopkorn

& Intelligence

Photo by A Health Blog

What is Creativity?

  • The word “creativity” has variety of meanings. It can be about problem solving skills or exploring and enquiring about new dimensions to our already found facts. Whatever it means to people, it means a lot to teachers and educational practioners.

The creative approach is possibly the only way to distinguish a thin line between purposeful learning and old fashioned one way teaching.

Creativity could be the highest form of intelligence because it goes beyond knowledge recall and extends into knowledge creation.

Someone intelligent people can be very knowledgeable and have excellent information recall, but creativity and innovation require some novel form of intelligence that is of a higher order.

Studies have shown that highly creative people are highly intelligent, 
but highly intelligent people are not always creative.

The fact that highly creative people have a higher correlation with intelligence than vice versa suggests creativity is simply a higher form of intelligence.

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Photo by mandiberg