Agnostic in my head:
No Answers, creed, ism
nor certainty of words.
Oddly the heart feels Connection
and gratitude for kindness,
wonder and compassion along the way.
How do I pay the bill before closing time?
Willamae Bushorn
Virgil Bushorn
Rozena Walker
Russell Walker
Gary Bushorn
Lee Peterson
Annada Bushorn-Hypes
Claire Walker Bushorn-Danzl
Herman Meyer
Chattering Droge
Calvin Schrag
Joe Easley
Gary Paquin
Bob Bailey
Maureen Maxfield
Winter Giddings
Debbie George
Ward Simmons
Mira Hypes
Miles Hypes
Martin Buber
Soren Kierkegaard
Albert Camus
David Steiner-Rast
Gotma Siddhartha
Anne Dillard
Harper Lee
John Steinbeck
Wendell Barry
William Blake
Meister Eckhart