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Cree Indians

Published on Nov 29, 2015

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Cree Indians

by Koby Allen Pre-AP LA 8-1


  • Parts of Canada
  • Northern United States
  • North Dakota, Montana
Photo by Great Beyond

Daily Life

  • Women made clothes
  • Kids- played lacrosse and other games
  • Men- hunted and fished
Photo by vale ♡


  • The Cree ate mostly meat like-
  • Elk, Caribou, Moose and Buffalo
  • Women planted corn
Photo by Rob Valkass


  • Woodland Cree- wigwams made of sticks and branches.
  • Plains Cree- teepe made of Buffalo hide
  • Both could fit one family
Photo by anyjazz65


  • Men and women tell kids about stories, but only in the winter.
  • Boys stay out in the woods alone for days so the gods can tell them what they are good at.
  • These traditions are passed on generation after generation.


  • The Cree had a bigger tribe than anyone else.
  • The estimated population was over 200,000.


  • The Cree language is a musical lanugage.
  • However, most Cree speak French or English.

Cree Indians Today

  • The Cree Indians live throughout Canada on reservations.
  • They lead regular lives and live in regular houses.
  • However, they still do traditional things the same way they were done in the 1800s.
Photo by Wilson Hui

Interesting Facts

  • In 1781, a smallpox epidemic wiped out about half of the Cree population.
  • The houses are built by the women.
  • Women can now be the Cheif of the tribe.
Photo by wazimu0

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