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Cree Tribe

Published on Dec 09, 2015

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Cree Tribe

by Hannah Alexander, LA 3

Types of Cree Indians

  • Western Wood (Woodland) Crees
  • Plain Crees
Photo by admiretime

Plain Crees Housing

  • Tipis
  • Used buffalo hide and sticks
  • 12 - 24 feet tall

Woodland Crees Housing

  • Wigwams
  • Used wooden frames, woven mats, and sheets of birchbark
  • 8 - 10 feet tall
Photo by : Damien

Daily Life for Crees

  • Women built homes and took care of kids
  • Men hunted and fished
  • Young girls helped mom around the house
  • Young boys went fishing and hunting with dad
Photo by pecooper98362

Plains Cree Food

  • Buffalos
  • Fish
  • Seals
  • Fruits
  • Corn
  • Nuts
Photo by spencer77

Woodland Cree Food

  • Caribo
  • Moose
  • Elk
  • Rabbit
  • Bevaer
  • Corn
  • Friuts
  • Nuts
Photo by davedehetre

Cree Clothing

  • Women and young girls wore long dresses
  • Men and young boys wore breech cloth and leggings


  • Bow and Arrow
  • Clubs
  • Spears
  • Knives
Photo by estherase

Plain Cree General Information

  • Nomadic
  • Traveled by canoe
  • Mainly hunted

Woodland Cree General Information

  • Grew a lot of crops
  • Depended on others
  • Mainly hunted
Photo by koeb


  • Around 200,000 Crees left
  • Live in Canada and northern states of America
Photo by kevin dooley