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Cree Tribe

Published on Dec 04, 2015

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Cree Tribe

Leonardo Munoz L.A.5


  • Originally 200,000
  • Current 38,000
Photo by scotbot


  • Originally in various parts of North America
  • Currently in Montana and parts of Canada


  • Teepees made of buffalo hide
  • Wigwams made of birch bark
  • 8-12 people per house


  • Hunted, fished, farmed, and gathered
  • Ate anything from caribuo to seals
  • Some grew corn
  • Gathered a variety of fruits and nuts
Photo by davedehetre


  • Women wore long dresses with removable sleeves
  • Men wore breech cloths and leggings
  • Both wore mocassins, cloaks, and had hair in two long braids
Photo by Yersinia

Daily Life

  • Men hunted, fished and sometimes went to war
  • Women took care of children, built homes and gathered plants and herbs
Photo by dogs & music

Daily Life Continued

  • Teens taught younger children how to hunt and fight
  • Elders taught the necessary skills needed to live off the lan
Photo by blmiers2

Spiritual Beliefs

  • Gods/Spirits: Wisukatcak, The Sun God, The Great Spirit, and the Windingo
  • Stories of myth: How the Cree hunted moose
  • Ceremonies: Sun Dance, Smoking Spirit ceremony, ect.
Photo by Hamed Saber

Spiritual Beliefs Continued

  • Marrige: First they start with a pipe ceromony and then they recieve their mocassins
  • Adulthood: They go on a dream walk
  • Death: They believed it was witch craft and that they had to avenge thier fallen
Photo by Don J Schulte


  • Quilling
  • Woodcarving
  • Colorful bedwork
  • Wampum (a kind of currency and also used for religious practices)
Photo by Dr.DeNo


  • Dog sleds
  • Horses ( after the Europeans arrived in the "New World")
Photo by efilpera