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Crystal Project

Published on Apr 03, 2016

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Gaby & Maggie
Photo by cobalt123


How does a crystal grow ?
Photo by Paul's Lab

Background Information
- An ionic compound is the electrical attraction between a negative ion and a positive ion.
- Ionic bonds form between charge, these bonds make ionic compounds very stable and their crystals very strong.
- The shape of the crystals of an ionic compound depends in part on the ratio of positive and negative ions and the size of the ions.

Photo by John-Morgan

If we mix hot tap water and Borox Detergent and l,eave a string of paper clips in the cup over night then crystals will form over night on the paper clips because of the chemical bond between the hot water and the Borox.

Photo by Chrisser


  • Borox
  • 1 cup
  • Hot tap wtaer
  • Stirring stick
  • Cotton string
Photo by Chrisser


  • Paper clip
  • Pencil
  • Hand lens
Photo by yanngie

1. Add a small amount of the crystal growing substance to a beaker of hot tap water. Stir until it mixes completely with the water . Keep adding the substance and stirring until no more will dissolve.
2. Pour the mixture into another beaker.
3. Tie one end of the string to the paper clip and the other end to a pencil. Lower the paper clip into the solution and lay the pencil across the top of the beaker. The paper clip should hang at about the middle of the beaker.

Photo by Chrisser

4. Use a hand lens to observe the paper clip several times a week for three weeks.

Photo by Chrisser

Untitled Slide

In our project we mixed hot tap water and Borox together and we placed a string with paper clips tied to them and tied a rope to a Popsicle stick so the paper clips wouldn't touch the bottom of the cup. We left the paper clip strings inside the mixed Borox and tap water over night we also added food coloring to color our crystal. The results the next day was a crystal all over the paper clips and surrounding the insides of the cup.

Photo by BenRogersWPG

In conclusion we are responsible citizens because my partner and I both worked hard to get our project done and ready to present on time. We proved our hypothesis correct because the crystals did form more than we thought they would they also formed all around the cup in only 1 day.

Photo by jenny downing