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  • five distinct phases of evolution since the beginning of time: the simple trade era, the production era, the sales era, the marketing department era and the marketing company era.
  • World War II had affected this job


  • You need a bachelor's degree in marketing
  • Or you can have several years in the field of marketing
  • Michigan State, Grand valley,Central Michigan offer marketing programs
  • Taking marketing classes in high school and college gives you the benefit because you already know how it works and you know what you need to get a Job
  • Leadership skills, communication with other company's, expertise on analyzing research
  • Growth in this career is 13%


  • You can go around promoting things or stay in the office
  • It fits because you're helping the company sell things or giving the customer a good example about the company
  • You work 60+ hours a week
  • The salary is around 123,000 a year
  • Dress formally


  • Working long hours but make good money
  • Trends would be people influencing you to do things that you shouldn't
  • In Michigan there are a lot of marketing jobs available
  • Growth of jobs is to increase by 13%


  • Marketing is what big company's use to sell things to other ones. Without that then we wouldn't have all the big stores and company's we have today
  • I don't think this job would be good for me because I don't want to be in an office or on the road all time even though I'll be making good money, I want to stay with my family and stay close to home