13 Dec.1973,Claude Vorilhon, at the time a professional test driver and automobile journalist, had a meeting with an extraterrestrial humanoid, an Eloha
alleges that he had alien encounters with beings who gave him knowledge of the origins of all major religions
Later toured the world to spread the raëlian message
Returned to racing to get publicity for the movement
26 Dec. 2002, Brigitte Boisselier, a Raëlian Bishop and CEO of a biotechnology company called Clonaid announced the birth of baby Eve, supposedly the first human clone.
do not believe in reincarnation. Instead they think that advanced supercomputers of the Elohim are right now recording the memories and DNA of human beings
believe life on earth was scientifically created by elohim
advocate sex-positive feminism and genetically modified food and actively protest against wars
founder leader is self-appointed and is viewed as a messiah or prophet
believe that the cosmic super-being of Elohim will soon arrive with UFOs and liberate people and that "To die for Elohim, that is the most beautiful thing that this planet has to offer."
radically reinterpret the Bible, and other religious works, and insert into them alien-centered interpretations