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Cultural Universals

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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Cultural Universals

By: Liam Brown


To organize and provide structure to the culture you may live in.
Photo by wbeem

Local - The police of Meredith and nearby towns keep my family and I safe.

State - The state gas prices have dropped almost 4 cents a gallon.

National - The new changes in congress may effect my education positively or negatively.


A way to gather food resources you need to survive

Hunting - I have many friends that like to go hunting for turkey and eat it for thanksgiving.

Agriculture - My family and I get most of our fruits and vegetables from Moulton farms.

manufactured - The twinkie is manufactured sweet that tastes amazing!

Tools and Technology

To create things within a culture to make lives easier.

High Tech - I have an iPhone, iPad, computer, Xbox, and TV's at my house. these are all high tech tools.

Low Tech - I also have many low tech things at my house like a broom, or a pencil. Low tech tools are very simple things that can help with many daily activities.

Transportation - There are many forms of transportation like bikes, cars, buses, trains, planes. Most Americans use cars to get around.

Expressing Emotion

To say or show how you are feeling
Photo by Swamibu

Music - Many people like me like to express there feelings through music writing or just listening.

Art - People also like to draw or paint there feelings and that's what many famous paintings are about. How the artist felt.

Writing - people will normally write about there feeling or memories that are close to them in poems.


To explain the past and influence the future.
Photo by vgm8383

Personal - My family and I have a scrap book of our personal since the day I was born.

National - The declaration of independence is one of the most important historical events of our country.


A structured way to provide goods and services and goods to eachother
Photo by 401(K) 2013

Trade - When I was little I used to have Pokemon cards and I traded them with my friends.
Currency - I receive currency or in the U.S. dollars bills for my allowance every weekend.
Employment - When I turn 15 I plan on getting a job at a sports complex or volunteering in a program called fields of growth.


To gather together for a variety of reasons.
Photo by Joris_Louwes

Groups - This year for Thanksgiving my family and I are having friends and cousins over at our house to celebrate Thanksgiving, and we are calling it friends giving.


To create a set of beliefs that help explain the world you.
Photo by ibarra_svd

Individual beliefs - I have recently watched a documentary that has shown evidence of mermaids, and I think I believe in them now.

Organized Religion - I don't normally go to church but I have been a few times on Easter or with friends.