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Culture, life, and the Establishment of America

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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Culture, Life, and the Establishment of America

Photo by cindy47452

Louisiana Purchase

  • Napoleon had little use for the Louisiana Territory
  • The French believed they had something the US wanted
  • A French forign kminister informed the US that Louisiana was for sale

The Expedition

  • Lewis and Clark were both amateur scientists, and were also in the military
  • The purpose was to find what plants, animals, and geography was in the West
  • Sacagawea was the the guide and she was a Shoshone woman
  • The journey provided inspiration to nation of people eager to move westward


  • The powerful influence on the growth of democracy was religion
  • One author was James Fenimore Cooper, he wrote novels
  • One artist was George Caleb Bingham, he painted fur traders, riverboat workers
  • One musician was Stephen C. Foster, he combined African and European music


  • American architects developed their own forms of building
  • They based it on the classical styles of Ancient Rome and Greece
Photo by ToCARD2

South Plantation Culture

  • Southerners lived on small farms or large plantations
  • They were widely spread out from each other
  • The South's economy depended on slavery and growing cash crops
Photo by cobalt123

Life as a Slave

  • Slaves labored together from dawn to dusk and were closely supervised
  • Enslaved men generally worked the fields
  • Enslaved women cooked, cleaned, did laundry, sewed, and cared for the plantation's children
Photo by Connor Tarter

Life in the Northern Cities

  • There was a rise of industries in the North
  • The gap between richer and poorer city residents widened
  • Rising land values forced the lower classes into extremely crowded rooms
  • More prosperous urban dwellers stayed in their own detached dwellings in

Life in the West

  • Living on the frontier was very rigorous
  • Wrestled with uncertain climate, limited supplies, and sometimes failing crops
  • Settlements were far apart and often hard to reach
  • The few roads that existed were poor
Photo by Werner Kunz