The Flag After the apartheid the black and white came together and created a new flag. The six colors include the colors of all the political parties in South Africa. Every flag of the world have colors that represent something. On the South African flag, white stands for peace, gold stands for the wealth of South Africa's land. Green stands for plants, blue stands for sky, black stands for South Africa's native people, and red stands for people who have died fighting for freedom.
Houses in South Africa: Some houses are made of recycled things and junk, but some are luxury. Some have flowing water some don't. The poor people have wells to get water for their family.
Food: South Africans are good farmers and eat vegetables very often. Sometimes South Africans enjoy BBQ. This country has good climate to grow some vegetables, like potatoes and other.
The flag: The Polish flag has one red stripe and one white stripe. The white stripe stands for freedom, the red stripe stands for the blood from the people that died to protect Poland's freedom.
The homes in Poland: When I was in Poland, I lived in the capital of Poland, WARSAW. I remember that there were a'lot of apartments and I lived in one myself. The biggest attraction in Warsaw (I think) is the PALCE OF CULTURE.
Polish Sports: Poland's favorite sport is soccer, soccer is a international sport. Poles like playing soccer for fun. When it comes to Polish leagues, poles are usually found watching matches of soccer. There are lots of different sports you can play in Poland like soccer, tennis, horse back ridding, and others.
Food: Polish people eat 4 dishes maximum, 3 dishes minimum a day. Pierogi are special Polish dumplings, Polish people like eating soup, especially next to the Baltic sea.