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Current Event Analysis

Published on Dec 10, 2015

Current Event Analysis


Current Event Analysis

by: Megan Boyd

New York Times insitute for America, calls on us to “remember who we were.” The question that runs through American’s head is if Obama being elected brought a new era of bold progressive change in the 21st century.

In the moment, events force change and Roosevelt campaign in 1932 was to balance budget and resist laying out a bold agenda. But in result, the economic failed due to the stocks crashing in 1929. Similarly, Obama campaign of a “change” agenda has deepened the global economy downturn in 2008.

Throughout the years, presidents failure and speculative excesses and stock market crashes have discredited the gilded age policies of the conservative era. But in today’s society, Obama has to deal with the greatest obstacle to persuade for progressive reforms to be passed from his parties, Blue Dogs and Wall Street DLC New Democrats.

During Roosevelt's first inaugural address, he wanted to challenge the country in moral term. Roosevelt overall demanded for people to come together, to trust one another. Similarly, Obama is issuing a moral indictment like Roosevelts. Roosevelt was seen as neither radical nor bold leader, yet he established improvement and change in America throughout his presidency.

He pushed hard for reforms and others helped him in deciding what was best for our country. The current progressive movement in 2008 is neither organized nor grounded. Obama has to deal with the inequality and growing insecurity of America that will stark challenges throughout his presidency.

During Obama’s presidency, he will have the moment, mandate, momentum, and moral armament to launch for a new bold progressive reform to America.

In conclusion, the article A New Progressive Era written by Robert Borosage, expresses the points where Obama needs to deal with through his presidency. Since the article was written in 2008 we can reflect that today we have come out of the 2008 recession but, the economy is not at the best it has ever been.

The next election this November, can effect our country in several ways on who is elected and what each candidate believes in. Ideally, the Progressive Era brought improvement to Americans and reforms that overall helped our society during that time.

For example, with the meat inspection acts, our health and life expectancy has a greater chance of lasting longer due to the advancements in technology and medicines. But overall in 2008, America was struggling with the economic crisis similar to the Great Depression but, not as long nor effective to the everyday life of millions of Americans.

They wanted to see if Obama being elected could get them out of this dilemma and improve the economy like in the 19th century. The Progressive Movement brought reforms and improvement to the economy that could be beneficial in today’s society as well.