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Curriculum and Instrution

Published on Dec 02, 2015

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Curriculum and Instrution

Curriculum map/objectives

the process diagramming a curriculum to improve the course of study. 


an object which is designed so that a learner can perceive some mathematical concept by manipulating it

Formal curriculum/content

  • planned program of objectives, content, learning experiences, resources and assessment offered by a school.

Informal Curriculum

lessons that are not explicitly taught. 

Extracurricular Curriculum

outside the regular curriculum or program of courses: football, orchestra, and other extracurricular activities.

Null Curriculum

topics or perspectives that are specifically excluded from the curriculum.

Direct Instruction

  • the explicit teaching of a skill-set using lectures or demonstrations of the material, rather than exploratory models.

Whole Class Instruction

  • teachers present a lesson to the whole class with little differentiation in either content or assessment for any student's ability.

Small Group Instruction

  • a teacher working with a small group of students on a specific learning objective.

Problem-Based Learning

  • students learn about a subject through the experience of creating a problem.

Station Learning

The Use of multiple stations with different assignments at each.

Integrating Technology in teaching

  • It can expand the scope of classroom learning beyond the boundaries of the classroom. It can expand accessibility of, and engagement with, content and information . It can expand the ways students can demonstrate what they have learned