
Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Types of custards
  • Ice cream from a custard
  • Techniques used in various types of custard
Photo by jumbledpile

Types of custard

Stove top or stirred custard & baked custard
Photo by Emily Barney

Stovetop custard or stirred custard

Creme Anglaise, Pastry Cream, Lemon Curd
Photo by podchef


To coat the back of a spoon
Photo by ttstam

Steps for stovetop custard

  • Heat liquid w/some of suger
  • Mix eggs w/sugar
  • Temper hot liquid into eggs
  • Heat to Nappe
  • Strain & chill
Photo by QuintanaRoo

Pastry Cream

  • Uses starch to thicken and stabelize
  • Must be boiled to activate starch
  • Cook to eliminate starch flavor & neutralize Alpha Amylase
  • Strain before cooking
  • Cooling to avoid skin

Ice cream

Creme Anglaise churned in freezer
Photo by David Reeves

Baked custards

Creme brulee, Creme Caramel, Flan, Pot de creme

Steps for baked custard

  • Heat liquid w/some of sugar
  • Mix eggs w/sugar
  • Temper hot liquid into eggs
  • Pour into prepared dishes
  • Bake in a water bath until set
Photo by TreasureLA

Creme caramel & flan

Baked with caramel on the bottom turned out to serve
Photo by bunchofpants


  • Flavor profile
  • Simple syrup
  • Sugar density = floating egg test
Photo by thudfactor

Using Gelatin

  • Sheets or powder
  • Blooming
  • Melt in hot liquid
  • Cool to set
Photo by justgrimes

Michael Scott

Haiku Deck Pro User