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Cyberbully Photovoice

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Cyberbullying: A Cyberbully Near You

Crystal Lee EDFR 6388
Photo by Amir Kuckovic

43% of kids have been bullied online. 1 in 4 has had it happen more than once

"Cyber Bullying is a serious topic! I was bullied and began to cut myself.”– 14 year old girl

"It feels like you could die inside." - 13 year-old girl

“People always make fun of me because of my weight. People would send me messages saying that I'm a disgrace i shouldn't be in this world.” - 13 year old girl

Cyberbullying is when bullying occurs on social media sites, through text messages, email messages, in chat rooms, and other websites.

The technology that we have grown to integrate into our everyday tasks such as capturing life moments and communicating across the nation and world, is now being used to torment adolescents around the world.

Computers, tablets, and cell phones are used to transmit hurtful messages threaten, humiliate, and embarrass targeted students

Often cyberbullying began from interactions and being bullied at school.

80% of teens use a cell phone regular, making it the most common medium for cyberbullying.

As teens have unlimited access to social media websites on their smartphones, cyberbullying can easily occur at the fingertips of today's youth.

Photo by lostinangeles

One million children were harassed, threatened or subjected to other forms of cyberbullying on Facebook during the past year. (Consumer Reports, 2011)

According the the 2011 Consumer Report...
Photo by mkhmarketing

Do victims know their cyberbully?

Victims of cyberbullying often know their cyberbully. In many instances, it's a close friend or another known person.
Photo by &y

Do victims know their cyberbully?

They are times when the victim does not know their cyberbully. These incidents are reported more often when the victim is in a chat room setting.

The difference between cyberbullying and verbal and physical bullying is the anonymous factor. Photos and comments can be posted using fictitious accounts.

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  • Quick Distribution
  • Wider Audience
  • Difficult to Remove
Another difference and disadvantage of bullies choosing the internet and text messaging as their source of bullying is how quickly a photo or message can spread. Once posted, hurtful images and comments can go viral within minutes. Not only that, it also reaches a wider audience than normal and the content is difficult to remove once posted.

The Issue at Hand

Many students are faced with cyberbullying situations outside of school. Cyberbullying is one out-of-school factor that affects academic achievement and the emotional and mental state of our students.

Some students are targeted based upon their classification whether it's their ethnicity, gender, sexuality, spirituality, or disability. Regardless of their classification, cyberbullying can increase the absenteeism rate as students attempt to avoid their perpetrator, peers, and further humiliation.

For those brave students who decide to weather the storm, the after effects of cyberbullying often results in a decrease is student achievement.

Photo by garryknight

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According to the Cyberbully Research Center, those that are cyber bullied are most likely to have low-self esteem and experience thoughts of suicide.

"My friend is Jamaican. There are 5 boys in our class and they bully this girl because she is black. They tell her to go back to KFC and they call her 'Black Momma'." – 12 year old boy

"Some weirdo on Twitter said some very hurtful things to me. Mostly about being a Christian. I don't want to go into it any more than that." - 13 year-old girl

"My daughter is a victim of cyber bullying she is 15...she didn't want to go to school anymore. I had to place her in another school, her self-confidence, self-esteem, her grades were failing, she got sick.” – mother of 15 year old girl

Photo by Lst1984

"My sixteen year old son was cyber bullied on Facebook over a period of 8 hours. The event was so traumatic it caused my son to have an acute psychotic break and to be hospitalized in an adolescent psychiatric ward for almost a month. " -Parent of a 16 year old boy

Photo by wentongg

""I was bullied on a site, like MySpace. I had a MySpace page devoted to me. I thought for the longest time about killing myself, until one day I realized that God put me on this earth for a reason.” – 16 year old girl

Photo by Aperture Yogi

81% of young people think bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person.

If our youth believe that cyberbullying goes unnoticed, what consequences are in place for those that engage in cyberbullying?

What support systems are available for victims of cyberbullying?

How are school districts handling reports of cyberbullying that involves their students?

The answers to these questions will sought out during my action research paper



In my action

Photo by katieharbath

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