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Published on Nov 26, 2015

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by :Sariah lassiter

A bully can be anywhere , at school, in your house , and even in your neighborhood. Bullies's are people who hurt others physically or even mentally.

Photo by alubavin

A cyberbully is a person who uses technology to threaten, hurt and /or find information about other people.

A cyberbully uses the internet or social media to harass others.

The reason people use the internet and social media is to keep other people from knowing who they are.

Photo by Tit Bonač

A way to stop this is to use the privacy setting on your social media accounts and posts.

Photo by stachelig

You should always check others' background information before accepting a friend request.

Always remember to think about the what you put online because it never goes away.

Never give personal information about yourself to a person you don't know.

Photo by ecstaticist

Don't believe everything you hear online.

Photo by Lyle58

Thanks for watching
By: Sariah Lassiter

Photo by mandiberg